Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Build Your Mind...Your Body Will Follow

When it comes to weight loss self-love and self esteem are important. When you feel good about yourself, you exercise more and you also watch what you eat. Your diet is more diligently. And the more you exercise, the more you build the habit.
Getting in shape is not just about how many calories you need to burn in a day or how many repetitions you should do- it’s about the mental aspect. So it’s important to prepare yourself emotionally for what lies ahead of you when you decide to lose weight and get fit. You need to understand why you want to achieve these goals and that the best way to achieve them is through self understanding, self love, honesty, preparation and perseverance.
Wishing you all a great day 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Invest in Your Health

What if a trusted friend were to tell you about an investment where you could not possibly go wrong...what would be your reaction? And what if there was a virtual mountain of credible information that supported the investment claims...wouldn't you be inclined to take advantage of the opportunity and not miss out on the rewards? Although the answer to these questions seems apparent, when it comes to investing in our health and quality of life we often choose to ignore what obviously works. Take for example, exercise...
Physical fitness may be the ultimate investment opportunity. Think of it this way. If you are willing to make the commitment (investment), you will feel and look healthier, have an abundance of energy, be more self-confident, more productive and discover a more joyous and fulfilling life. These are rewards that money cannot buy and the substance of high quality living. And, the investment of exercise becomes even more attractive when you consider that there is absolutely no down-side risk. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. How much better can it get? How many times can you remember ever having a better offer? The honest answer is probably never, and yet many of us fail to act on this extraordinary opportunity. We simply choose to procrastinate or ignore the proven benefits of exercise!
Here are a few reasons that sometimes inhibit our willingness to "step out" and make a change or take a chance:
- Sometimes our vision gets clouded. We lose tract of what is really important. When this happens, it's time to forget the trees and look at the forest. Try to focus on exactly what you are trying to accomplish. Sometimes we get so caught up in the detail that I forget where I'm going.
- If we look at the "big" picture, it can seem overwhelming. And the bigger the task, the more overwhelming it can seem. Break the task apart into smaller pieces. Want to lose 50 pounds? Go for 10 pounds, five at a time! Need to start an exercise program? Begin with short, simple exercises and slowly expand your routine. The absolute worse approach to exercise is to overdo it when first starting the program. We seem to have this all or none mindset where we end up killing ourselves the first few times out. We end up stiff, tired, disillusioned, and then quit. Moderation is the key.
- Have you ever not wanted to start something for fear of failure? Take the first step and acknowledge the fear, then the next step will come easier. Fear of the unknown scares us so much we don't want to even begin. Once fears are acknowledged, they usually quiet down. Taking the first step allows us to go past the fear and on to the next step.
- Sometimes we start to think that a task is unpleasant or boring. Just like any other activity, this can also be true for exercise. There are days when we just plain lack the enthusiasm and motivation to continue. It's part of human nature. On days like these focus on 'why' you are doing it. Think about all the people you care about and who may need and rely on you. What would happen if you became ill or disabled and was unable to work for a period of time, or worse, if you were out of the picture completely. How would things change? If something happened tomorrow, how would your family or business manage without you? What do you want your life to be like in the future? There are many tasks or chores we do, that we may not like, but are necessary to live a happen and productive life. Focus on the bigger picture.
- Indecision can be defeating, but doing "anything" is better than doing nothing. There are no wrong choices and very few choices that can't be undone or done again. Can't decide on a particular exercise program or routine? Pick a few exercises and start with something simple. If you don't like it, go on to the next exercise.
- When you lack the confidence to start something new, take a deep breath and try to figure out why. Are you hesitating because you really lack the skill or is it just imagined? If it's real, try to find out where to gain the skills you need or find someone with the right skills who can help. In the case of exercise, finding a qualified personal fitness trainer can sometimes do the trick, but be wary...some Personal Trainer's are over the top and tend to start newcomers on programs that are too strenuous.
- Life just seems too busy to find time for some activities. Large, uninterrupted chunks of time are very hard to come by. And if we're honest, when they do come, we'd rather do something totally pleasurable! Exercise has to become part of your routine. It can't be an option. Make it a high priority just the same as your career, and other areas of interest. You will be surprised at how easy exercise becomes when approached this way!
- Have you ever subconsciously (or otherwise) invited distractions so that you have a "good" reason not to get something done? Sometimes it's the simple things like answering the phone or sitting down to watch that "one" TV program, that distract us. When you find yourself doing this, take control of the situation and make a conscious decision to do what you are avoiding.
To reap the benefits of exercise, or any other health related endeavor, you must agree to become a willing participant. This will require due diligence on your part. And remember, as you embark on your mission you are investing in something near and dear to your own heart...your life and a future of healthy living.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Take It Outside

The best kind of workout is a one that doesn’t feel like you’re exercising at all. Luckily during the hot summer months there are plenty of outside activities to get your body moving and burning calories without feeling like you are slaving away at the gym. Personally, when the weather warms up I love to venture outside the gym & the home workout videos and enjoy the great outdoors. I like riding bikes, walking, jogging, swimming, aqua zumba,etc. When you’re fitness oriented, it’s important to keep your workout routine fresh and fun. Most importantly, you need to keep you body guessing so it doesn’t get used to your exercise regimen. This way you can maintain that awesome physique you worked so hard for…
Here are a few no-workout workouts for the summer:
  1. Take a ride. Riding bikes during the summer keeps my arms and legs toned. Plus, ditching the car and opting to ride burns extra calories you can bank for other summer outings.
  2. Paddle out. If you live near the beach or a lake, I highly recommend stand up paddle boarding. Not only is it a serene experience floating across the top of the water, it’s also a wonderful way to exercise. Dig your paddle deep into the water with each row and you will get a serious back and core workout.
  3. Kayak. For a great arm and abs workout, go kayaking. It’s a fun way to squeeze in your upper body conditioning without hitting the weights.
What’s your favorite summer sweat?

Saturday, April 26, 2014

"Turn Up" with a Low-Calorie Fresh Lemon-Squeezed Margarita

Who doesn’t want to have a refreshing adult beverage without worrying about all those unwanted calories?? ME!!! While it’s not exactly easy to do. There are a few drinks you can enjoy and not feel so guilty about. Here is one you will love this summer. Limit your intake to about 2-3 glasses. Even tho the ingredients are fresh, you don’t want to consume too much, as this should be a treat not a road to alcoholism. I stress that because I like to promote mental and physical health. Have a healthy time! That’s what life is all about.
  • 4 Medium to large lemons, atleast 4 per glass. Large if your glass is 8oz
  • 1 Orange (fresh)
  • Sparkling water, preferably club soda
  • Agave sugar or agave syrup or Stevia
This is super easy to make. Squeeze your lemons, and orange. Pour into your glass (drain the seeds) add ¼ a cup of the sparkling water just enough to leave room for the ice. Add the Stevia or agave, add enough to sweeten. I usually say go by taste, don’t go overboard with the sugar, it usually only needs 1-2 teaspoons of it depending on the size of your glass. Mix with a spoon, add ice cubes, then pour 1-2 shots of any tequila into it. I add 1 fresh mint leaf for extra flavor. If you want them blended. All you have to do is add

Friday, April 25, 2014

Light Lunch Ideas!

When you're not in the mood for a heavy lunch, here's something you can make...a toasted 1/2 tuna sandwich on wheat bread with a side salad. I didn’t add any mayo to the tuna, just lemon juice from a fresh lemon. Add a few slices of avocados and any other veggies you like to the salad. This one is just the lettuce because I wasn’t in the mood for anything else on it. But you can always add your favorite veggies for more flavor.
•1 slice of wheat toast (80 calories)
•1/2 can of tuna in water (25 cals)
•Artisian lettuce (5 cals)
•1 tablespoon of Light Italian dressing (7 cals)

******EAT UP and ENJOY!!!!!******

Webcam video from April 25, 2014 8:13 AM

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Keep Calm & Feel Sexy

So you’ve been feeling down on yourself, you’ve let yourself go, you don’t even fix your hair anymore! How do you get out of that funk?
Aggggg I know this feeling all too well! There’s nothing worse than waking up bloated, your hair isn’t behaving, you just got your monthly, and you just feel plain BLAH! You feel “ugly” today, you feel less than sexy. We’ve all been there and most of it, is all in our heads. Asides from physical health it’s important that your mental health is in order too. Sometimes we get so down on ourselves that we become depressed and stop taking care of ourselves. You ever wake up not exactly feeling the best. But, you go get your hair done, hit up the barbershop to get a fresh cut, put on a new outfit and feel incredible no matter what’s going on in your life? Well, that’s having great mental health. It’s really important to feel good mentally too. It’s also important to do nice things for yourself to help you get our of your funk. When you feel good all around you glow and seek to do more positive things. Sometimes when I feel down I get myself together and I instantly feel great. You’d be surprised at how something so simple like lighting scented candles, wearing your favorite outfit, putting on scented lotion, or simply getting  manicure will make you instantly feel GREAT! No matter what size you are, you deserve to feel incredible and sexy. Even when I was bigger I still felt sexy and cute every time I put my new outfit on. Try some of these ideas and get your sexy back!
Here are a few tips on how to get out of your funk and start to feel sexy again!
  1. Stop making fun of your imperfections! Remember, no one is perfect. Stop making jokes about the things you don’t like about yourself. If you hate the 10 pounds you’ve gained don’t make fun of yourself, don’t say “I might need an extra seat on the plane to fit these extra 10 pounds” that is NOT going to help your mind. Little jokes about yourself will trigger your brain to believe them, they sink in as truth. You are in many ways telling your brain to believe these little jokes.
  2. What makes you feel sexy? Asses the things that make you feel good. Is it lingerie? Is it getting a manicure? Is it getting a fresh line up from your barber? Maybe buying a new outfit? Figure out the things that make you feel sexy and DO THEM! If it’s buying a new outfit that makes you feel good, DO IT! If putting on scented lotion after the shower, lather it on baby. Figure out the things that make you feel sexy and do them.
  3. Stop saying “if only I” the IF ONLY I WAS A LITTLE SKINNIER thoughts will never ever help you feel better about yourself. Stop thinking so negatively. Think about yourself in a more positive light. If only I was taller, if only I was back to my high school weight, if only I didn’t have these stretch marks, if only I didn’t have these ugly fat thighs. Yeah all those thoughts will never allow you to mentally be happy or feel sexy again.
  4. Stop trying to get your friends to agree with your negative thoughts. Don’t say to your friends things like “My butt looks huge in this skirt huh?” or “Don’t lie to me, my arms look like jello huh?” STOP THAT! By doing this you are creating negative thoughts. You are destroying your self esteem and you don’t even know it. You are basically sabotaging yourself and in a very weird way wanting your friends to agree to your negative thoughts.
  5. Don’t compare yourself to the models in the magazines because not even the models in the magazine look like themselves! When people look at the magazines they don’t realize at all the photo shop, hair stylists, makeup and hair teams that are involved in making the image look perfect. I know because I am in the entertainment business and I have seen this first hand. Start to love the things you have and stop comparing yourself to others.
So basically what i’m saying is. Get up, fix your hair, put your favorite outfit on and feel like a SEXY BEAST! It’s the most simple things that can get you feeling good again. Get out of your funk today!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Shrink Your Plate to Lose Weight

Dinner plates have gotten bigger, too, along with portion sizes. While many people have been taught to "clean their plate," this may mean that 'they're overeating.Downsizing portions to healthier sizes allows the body to become accustomed to the correct portion size. Most meals at fast food joints and restaurants are super-sized in terms of portions and calories.Eat from a smaller plate, like a salad plate, for proper portion sizes. Learn the right portion size and serve this amount, not going back for seconds or serving on family-style platters. Keep leftovers in single-serving portion containers.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Pizza Problem...solved

I was message today on my personal Facebook page for a good healthy recipe for pizza...she was also vegetarian...I forwarded her a recipe that I made myself before...Pizza is tasty, but a couple of select choices, can turn out to not be so great....

The Pizza Problem SOLVED.... Lol :)

Make over favorite foods to be healthier. The typical pizza is full of refined grains, saturated fat, solid fat, and calories. Substitutions can fit this favorite into a healthy diet.
  • Use a thin crust made of whole grains.
  • Have many veggies as toppings instead of meat.
  • Reduce the amount of cheese on top.
  • Have just one slice and enjoy a salad as a side dish.

Fast Feta Pizza:

* 1/2 medium tomato
4 black olives
* 1tbsp low-fat feta cheese
* 1/2 tbsp hummus (purchased or fresh)
* 1/16 frozen pizza crust
* 1/2 tsp dried oregano
* 1/2 tsp extra virgin olive oil

* Pre-Heat oven to 425
* Slice tomato and olives
   crumble cheese
* Spread hummus over pizza crust. Top with tomato,olive slices, and crumbled cheese
* Sprinkle oregano over the top
* Bake 8-12 minutes, or until crust is at your desired crispness
* Remove from Oven and drizzle olive oil on top


Monday, April 21, 2014

Beginner's Guide to Exercise

You've decided it's time to start exercising. Congratulations! You've taken the first step on your way to a new and improved body and mind.

Exercise is the magic pill !!!  And there's no arguing that exercise can help most people lose weight, as well as look more toned and trim.
Of course, there's a catch. You need to get -- and keep -- moving if you want to cash in on the benefits. This doesn't necessarily mean following a strict, time-consuming regimen at the gym -- although that can certainly reap benefits. The truth is you can get rewards from many different types and levels of exercise.

Your exercise options are numerous, including walking dancing, gardening, biking -- even doing household chores. The important thing is to choose activities you enjoy...That will increase your chances of making it a habit.
And how much exercise should you do? For heart health, it is recommended at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity, such as walking, on most days of the week.
Yet, if you're getting less than that, you're still going to see benefits It's NOT like if you can't do 30 minutes, you shouldn't do anything, because you're definitely going to see benefits even at 5 or 10 minutes of moving around.

Ready to Get Started? Let's begin somewhere and take this challenge together: 3X's this week we will do some sort of physical activity...walking 10-15 minutes, dancing, etc. AND eliminate something from your diet such as sodas, limit bread intake, sweets, etc. Challenge yourself to do this with self-control and self disicpline!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Pregnancy & Fitness

Pregnancy comes with its share of annoying complaints. But the more you exercise during pregnancy the less you'll find to complain about. There's a case to be made for fitness for everyone, but in moms-to-be specifically, pregnancy exercise can: 
  1. Fight pregnancy fatigue. Low-level tiredness plagues many women during the 1st trimester, then again late in the 3rd timester, sometimes getting too much rest can actually make you feel more pooped. And while you should never push yourself too hard when you're pregnant — and especially when you're feeling fatigued — a little nudge can make a big difference in your pregnancy energy level. So take baby steps — go for an easy walk or pop in a pregnancy exercise video. You'll be surprised at how peppy you feel afterward.
  2. Improve your sleep during pregnancy. While many pregnant women report that they have a harder time falling asleep (not to mention staying asleep with all the bathroom interruptions), those who exercise consistently (as long as it's not near bedtime, which can be too energizing) say the quality of their sleep is better and that they wake up feeling more rested.
  3. Conquer pregnancy constipation. An active body encourages active bowels. Some women swear by a brisk 30-minute walk to keep them regular, others say even a ten-minute stroll helps get things going.
  4. Do pregnancy back exercises.  Back pain affects half of all pregnant women — and your best defense is a strong set of abs. Do simple pregnancy-safe exercises to strengthen your abs — which will give your back the back-up it needs. But don't stop there. Even exercise that's not directly targeting the tummy — a short walk to the post office — can also relieve pain and pressure.
  5. Don't worry, be happy. Exercise causes your brain to release endorphin's, those feel-good chemicals that give a natural high — improving your mood, diminishing feelings of worry and anxiety.
  6. Do pregnancy stretches. Stretching does your body good, and you don't even have to break a sweat. This is especially true if you've been troubled by muscle cramps — particularly in your leg. Stretching out (flexing your toes up instead of pointing down) can help you uncover little pockets of tension, warding off cramps and sore muscles. Stretch after your exercise routine, but also stretch at your desk (especially if you've been sitting or standing for a long time), in the car or airplane, and always before bed (particularly if nocturnal leg cramps have been cramping your sleeping style).
  7. Guard against gestational diabetes. Exercise may prevent this common problem, and the American Diabetes Association recommends exercise as a helpful therapy for women who are at risk. If that's you, don't be surprised if your practitioner  prescribes a workout routine.
  8. Make a healthy baby. Babies of moms who exercise during pregnancy are born at healthier weights, are better able to weather labor and delivery (they are less stressed by it), and recover from the stresses of birth more quickly.
  9. Have an easier labor (possibly). While exercise during pregnancy can't guarantee that you'll sail through childbirth, moms who exercise tend to have shorter labors and are less likely to need medical interventions during labor (including C-sections).
  10. Speed your postpartum recovery. The more you increase your pregnancy fitness, the faster you'll recover physically after childbirth, the more fit you'll be after delivery — and the sooner you'll be zipping up those pre pregnancy jeans again.
***** I remember when I was pregnant, eventhough I exercised...I viewed this as a license anything, and however much I wanted, lol....not so! 

Looking "Fit" Doesn't Necessarily Mean Being Healthy

One of the biggest stereotypes in America is that if you are skinny or within weight standards you are healthy. Well I am here to tell you that is not the case. Body weight is not an accurate reading of the overall conditions of your body. When looking at whether a person is totally healthy we look at gender and genetic factors, not just body weight. Just because you do not carry the physical attributes of an unhealthy individual does not deplete you from the harsh world of: high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and several other diseases and disorders.
According to Dr. Jimmy Bell, a professor of molecular imaging at Imperial College, London, "Being thin doesn't automatically mean you're not fat." In summary, people who maintain their weight through diet rather than exercise are likely to have major deposits of internal fat, even if they are otherwise slim.
WOW! So it's true, you don't have to be fat to be fat?
Instilling good health and changing poor ones is what helps with primary prevention. Some things that can help are:
1. Eating breakfast each day
2. Exercising regularly (At least 30 mins cardio)
3. Getting Good Sleep
4. Cutting down on Sodas
5. Limiting excess breads during each meal
6. Even smoking and drinking can add to the stress of poor health
*****These are just suggestions on how to take a FIRST step, no one says to eliminate these things day at a time...seemingly one small change is actually a HUGE change to overall health & fitness, and then you move on to the next goal****

These habits are not just limited to the skinny fat individuals they are great primary prevention tactics for all persons, despite age, gender, and health status. Positive social support from family members, friends, acquaintances, and others are generally exceptional measures to help change behavior habits. By using social support we increase our chances of being successful within our endeavors to live a healthier lifestyle.
However, one thing is for sure, when looking at being fit, dieting is not enough. You can have an appearance of being thin and be as unhealthy as a person 6 times your size. By using good health habits and exercising on a continuous basis we improve the chances of being healthier.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Eat Well & Slim Down

Research tells us that people eat more when presented with larger portions of food. Even children as young as two years are affected by portion size. Our judgment about serving sizes has been completely skrewed by restaurant portions, food packaging and our own eyes, LOL. So how do we reset our expectations about appropriate portions?'re already on track by reading this....Now, how do you apply it to yourself?
Start by familiarizing yourself with appropriate serving sizes. If you don't have a food scale or measuring cups handy, use visual cues to help you judge portion sizes:
  • A serving of fish (3 ounces) is the size of a deck of cards
  • A serving of pasta or dry cereal (1/2 cup) is the size of a hockey puck
  • A serving of fresh fruit (1/2 cup) is the size of a tennis ball
  • A serving of butter (1 teaspoon) is the size of one die
Here are other tips to try:
  • Don't put dinner on the table. Instead, serve it from the stovetop or countertop. You'll think twice before you get up for seconds.
  • Don't eat out of the box. Put your snack in a small bowl or other container. And then put the box or package away... I even use those snack-size baggies from Wal-Mart
  • Opt for single-serving treats. The fear of a wrapper trail will keep you honest.
  • Downsize your meal. Restaurant portions are notoriously large. So when eating out, plan to eat only half of the meal. You can share the rest with a friend or ask for a doggie bag. Alternately, consider asking for a "light" or "lunch-size" portion.
  • Try the tasting menu. At parties, sample two or three bites of the dishes on offer. Keep the portions small and have fun enjoying the variety.
  • Take time to enjoy yourself. Appreciate the colors, smells and textures of your food. Stop and talk to your family and friends between bites. By slowing down you'll be better able to appreciate your meal and to register when you're full.
I also NEVER wait til I'm uncontrollably hungry, I also access my hunger with actual thirst & I DO NOT eat until I'm full, just satisfied. A little bit of self control and self discipline...we can win this battle!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Let's Play Today: Fitness Fun For Kids

It's amazing all the energy kids have,lol.  Don't we wish we could still be as active as them and wake at the crack of dawn ready to play some more. As we adults continue to build a healthy lifestyle, it's great to include our children too. Without even realizing it, my boys have structured fitness time, they do Junior MMA 3 x's a week, swimming, and football...that's because they love the activities that they are in and they love going to the gym too where they can do rock climbing, zumba for kids, kids yoga, and play basketball in the kids gym.
Kids exercise all the time without even thinking of it. Just being active, like when you run around outside or play kickball at school, is a kind of exercise. What else counts as exercise? Playing sports, dancing, doing push-ups, and even reaching down to touch your toes.
When they exercise, they're  helping build a strong body that will be able to move around and do all the stuff it needs to do. Let's to be active every day doing something with our babies and your body will thank you later!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Rise & Shine

I know that exercising in the early a.m. before you head to work can be a real challenge. If you aren't a morning person, missing out on sleep can seem very unappealing, I personally don't have the time to run to the gym in the morning...not because I'm still sleep...BUT getting my boys up, dressed, snacks in their book bags, breakfast in their belly's & then off to the bus stop...not to mention I have to get ready myself... I've found a 30 minute walk/job in my neighborhood is refreshing & also my workout videos, here are some reasons you may want to set your alarm for an early morning workout.
  1. It's usually a peaceful, quiet time of day, so it can be a great opportunity to think and get some time alone.
  2. Exercising in the morning wakes up your brain, clears your mind, and helps you organize your thoughts or your mental to-do list, preparing you for the day ahead.
  3. If you get it done first thing, then you won't have to worry about trying to squeeze it in to your busy schedule, especially if you have kids. Plus, studies have shown morning exercisers are more consistent.
  4. Exercising helps get things moving, digestively speaking, so working out early can prevent getting backed up later on in the day.
  5. Since working out on an empty stomach can cause you to lose muscle, morning workouts will encourage you to eat breakfast, which has been proven to boost your metabolism, which helps to burn calories.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Fit Mamas

I am a mother of 5...four boys and one girl....for me getting a workout in can be a little crazy.  But i've found if I'm not ok....then how can my family be ok?  I also had to make fitness a PRIORITY as I do getting my hair, nails, and feet done. In my busy life as Football Mom and the Kiddie Chauffeur, I've actually found a workout routine around my children's sports schedules. For example...they do Junior Martial Arts and the same Martial Arts Studio I do Kickboxing...thankfully the time coordinate. They have swimming lessons on Sat after my Hip Hop Dance Class & I do Hip Hop Abs in the mornings before I get ready for work...IN MY OWN HOME!
 If getting in shape is on your list of to-do's, but you're having trouble getting started, you're not alone. For a busy mom, jump-starting an exercise routine can be a little crazy no matter how motivated you are.
Finding time can be the greatest challenge: How do you squeeze exercise in around doctor appointments, birthday parties, and work demands? When you do find yourself with free time, you're likely to have a long list of tasks competing for your attention — making it hard to leave them behind to go to the gym.
But physical fitness is good for you. Exercise has been linked to everything from cancer and diabetes prevention to improved energy and mood. Moms need regular exercise as much as anyone else — maybe even more, given the challenges of being a parent.
If you're a new mom, getting in shape will help you regain a sense of control over your body and your life. For experienced moms, exercise can provide an outlet from the ongoing pressures of parenthood.

Fitness with Friends

Sometimes getting into the habit of working out can be a little rough...get a workout buddy. For me, it's my daughter...she loves to workout and our fitness goals are different...I want to lose and she wants to continue to stay fit and not gain. No matter what your goals are you can still achieve them together.