Thursday, April 17, 2014

Let's Play Today: Fitness Fun For Kids

It's amazing all the energy kids have,lol.  Don't we wish we could still be as active as them and wake at the crack of dawn ready to play some more. As we adults continue to build a healthy lifestyle, it's great to include our children too. Without even realizing it, my boys have structured fitness time, they do Junior MMA 3 x's a week, swimming, and football...that's because they love the activities that they are in and they love going to the gym too where they can do rock climbing, zumba for kids, kids yoga, and play basketball in the kids gym.
Kids exercise all the time without even thinking of it. Just being active, like when you run around outside or play kickball at school, is a kind of exercise. What else counts as exercise? Playing sports, dancing, doing push-ups, and even reaching down to touch your toes.
When they exercise, they're  helping build a strong body that will be able to move around and do all the stuff it needs to do. Let's to be active every day doing something with our babies and your body will thank you later!

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