Saturday, April 26, 2014

"Turn Up" with a Low-Calorie Fresh Lemon-Squeezed Margarita

Who doesn’t want to have a refreshing adult beverage without worrying about all those unwanted calories?? ME!!! While it’s not exactly easy to do. There are a few drinks you can enjoy and not feel so guilty about. Here is one you will love this summer. Limit your intake to about 2-3 glasses. Even tho the ingredients are fresh, you don’t want to consume too much, as this should be a treat not a road to alcoholism. I stress that because I like to promote mental and physical health. Have a healthy time! That’s what life is all about.
  • 4 Medium to large lemons, atleast 4 per glass. Large if your glass is 8oz
  • 1 Orange (fresh)
  • Sparkling water, preferably club soda
  • Agave sugar or agave syrup or Stevia
This is super easy to make. Squeeze your lemons, and orange. Pour into your glass (drain the seeds) add ¼ a cup of the sparkling water just enough to leave room for the ice. Add the Stevia or agave, add enough to sweeten. I usually say go by taste, don’t go overboard with the sugar, it usually only needs 1-2 teaspoons of it depending on the size of your glass. Mix with a spoon, add ice cubes, then pour 1-2 shots of any tequila into it. I add 1 fresh mint leaf for extra flavor. If you want them blended. All you have to do is add

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